“My name is Stephanie Ramirez, I’m 32 years old. And I want to give a testimony of what God and Reformers Unanimous has done in my life. Most of my younger years were lived in wickedness, rebelliousness, and self righteousness. In the past I have justified a lot of my actions because of my circumstances or because one person said it was ok, sometimes all it takes is one person to make you believe that the wrong you’re doing is actually okay. I was saved at 15 years old but still fell into the wordly ways of this life. Doing wrong and the whole time knowing the truth and knowing that I was living in sin, deep sin. So I began to make really irrational decisions and having the mindset that still everything would be okay. And at some point in most of my sin, it wasn’t even grievous. I sinned against my God over and over. If the Bible is true I deserve Hell. At this time I couldn’t hear that still small voice (Holy Spirit) telling me not to go or not to do that. So disregarding all the commandments that God had laid before me to give me a life for Him, led me to make a decision that would change my life forever. I became a mother. Life was hard. On the outside I probably looked like I had it together. But on the inside I had no idea what I was doing. I just knew I had to be a good mom, and do the right thing. Shortly after I became pregnant again. Still living in sin. Meaning I wasn’t listening to God and his chastisement. However this too changed my life forever. How am I going to do this with 2 kids, no job because I quite mine over pride, no husband to help me provide or raise them? These were the thoughts in my head and what eventually showed me the way. I started attending Reformers Unanimous every Friday night. The only way I was going to be able to do this was to surrender myself completely to the Lord. And I did. In the bible God says draw nigh to me and I will draw nigh to you. It is very true. I did and He did too. The Lord started to reveal himself to me through the challenges and the preaching. The principals are what initially helped with my sinful habits, So they all play an important role in this ministry. I no longer lived a life of my own self will, or what the world calls satisfaction. I began to be happier, I saw my true purpose in life and started to serve Him faithfully . From that moment my whole life changed again. I have seen God do so many things in my life, that just aren’t fair. He has forgiven all my sin, and more than that He has given me His righteousness. He has provided countless times for an unemployed mother, so much that we 3 have never lacked. That isn’t fair. He has strengthened me through adversity, he has given me peace and joy in the midst of life’s earthquakes. Just recently God had provided me with a new car to tote my littles around. And most recently God has given me and my boys our very own home. Now that is NOT fair. I have done nothing to do deserve these things and I don’t deserve them, so this in itself is a miracle and a wonderful gift from Him. This is His grace that He pardoned unto me, I will take it and I will praise Him forever.”
— Stephanie Ramirez
“James 4:7 My desire for change started September 2018, I started writing and talking with God. I also started RU recovery around this time, to overcome addictions. I lived a very dark and lonely time while living a life of addictions. I would cry out to God, "God I am willing to change, I'm tired of this path and I am willing to lose what is necessary to follow you." My addictions still had a stronghold on me and continued and I stopped going to RU. November 2019, I decided one day that enough was enough, I completely gave up my addictions. I started going to RU recovery again. No questions asked and a warm welcome back. Everyone at RU is so supportive and welcoming. I'm so thankful for everything they do. I used to dread Fridays and weekends because I knew I would fail. Now I love Fridays, weekends, Bible study classes, Sunday service. February 23, 2020 I received Jesus Christ as my Saviour. My life has changed suddenly but for the best. Many of my prayers were answered. God revealed and removed what no longer served a purpose in my life. God's Will and God's timing. Proverbs 3:5-6 I praise God and I am forever thankful for all He has done in my life. Psalm 23 My life has changed and is still in the process. It would not have been possible without God. I owe my life to Him. Greater is He that is in me than he that is in the world 1 John 4:4 ”